2 c. dried chickpeas
1/2 c. fresh parsley
1 c. fresh cilantro
1 small onion
3-4 T. garlic, minced
1/2 T. salt
1 T. pepper
1 T. cumin
1 T. coriander
olive oil
Soak the dried chickpeas in water overnight. (I like to change the water out in the morning and continue letting them soak until I'm ready to use them in the evening.)
Place the soaked chickpeas and all the other ingredients into a food processor. Pulse until a fine grainy mixture is achieved. (Pieces should not be too big nor too small: just right.)
Heat a thin layer of oil in a large skillet until it shimmers. Drop falafel dough onto the skillet and quickly shape with your spoon or spatula. Allow each piece to fry until golden around the edges, then flip. When both sides are golden and crispy, transfer to a serving dish and enjoy!